I + II + III + IV + V + VI + VII + VIII + IX + X + XI + XII + XIII + XIV


The Cross is Laid on Simon of Cyrene

V. We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee.
R. Because by thy Holy Cross thou hast redeemed the world.

As the strength of Jesus fails, and he is unable to proceed, the executioners seize and compel Simon of Cyrene to carry his cross. The virtue of that cross changed his heart, and from being a complusory task it became a privilege and joy.

O Lord Jesus! may it be our privilege also to bear thy cross; may we glory in nothing else; by it may the world be crucified unto us and we unto the world; may we never shrink from suffering, but rather rejoice if we be counted worthy to suffer for thy Name's sake.

Act of Contrition

O God, we love thee with our whole hearts and above all things and are heartily sorry that we have offended thee. May we never offend thee any more. O, may we love thee without ceasing, and make it our delight to do in all things thy most holy will.

OUR Father.
HAIL, Mary

V. Have mercy upon us, O Lord.
R. Have mercy upon us.

+ May the souls of the faithful, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Who on Christ's fond Mother looking,
Such extreme affliction brooking,
Born of woman, would not weep?


From pain to pain, from woe to woe,
With loving hearts and footsteps slow
To Calvary with Christ we go.

See how his precious Blood
At every Station pours:
Was ever grief like His?
Was ever sin like ours?