Collects, Epistles, and
for Trinity Season
for Trinity Season
The Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity.
Missal Propers

¶ If in any year there be twenty-six Sundays after Trinity,
the service for the Sixth Sunday after
the Epiphany shall be used on the Twenty-fifth Sunday. If
there be twenty-seven, the service for the Sixth
Sunday after the Epiphany shall be used on the Twenty-sixth,
and the service for the Fifth Sunday
after the Epiphany on the Twenty-fifth. If there be fewer
than twenty-five Sundays, the overplus shall be omitted
For thy dear saints O Lord - St. George 124
Not here for high and holy things - Morning Song 156
And now, O Father, mindful of the love - Unde et memores 189
Now, my tongue, the mystery telling - Pange lingua 199
Now, my tongue, the mystery telling - St. Thomas 199
Come with us, O blessed Jesus - Jesu joy of man's desiring 211
I sing a song of the saints of God - Grand Isle 243
God moves in a mysterious way - London New 310
O for a thousand tongues - Stracathro 325
O for a thousand tongues - Arlington 325
Breathe on me, Breath of God - Swabia 375
Breathe on me, Breath of God - Nova Vita 375
Christ is made the sure foundation - Regent square 384
Christ is made the sure foundation - Westminster Abbey 780
The Church's one foundation - Aurelia 396
Take my life, and let it be - Hollingside 408
My faith looks up to thee - Olivet 449
Teach me , my God and King - Sandys 476
From thee all skill and science flow - Albano 515
Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old - St. Matthew 517
Rise up, O men of God - Festal song 535
Breast the wave, Christian - Fortitude 565
O Master, let me walk with thee - Maryton 572
O heavenly Jerusalem - Christ in my life 592
O heavenly Jerusalem - All hallows 592
I heard a sound of voices - Gresham 593
I heard a sound of voices - Patmos 593