Today's Saint (April 14): Justin, Martyr

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justin martyr

Saint Justin (c, 100 - c. 165) was born at Nablus (Samaria) and received a thorough grounding in Greek philosophy, but discovered the real aim and truth of life through the Word of Christ Jesus. He did, however, use his philosophical knowledge to advocate the Gospel among the Jews, heretics and other non-believers.

His writings - the two Apologies and the Dialogues with Trypho - reveal the early Church's stand on Baptism, the Eucharist and other matters of the faith.

He was martyred - beheaded - for his faith, which he confessed at his trial during the reign of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Justin Martyr lived the words, "The proud have digged pits for me, which are not after thy law: but I will speak of thy testimonies also even before kings, and will not be ashamed, alleluia, alleluia." (The day's introit, page E 47, The People's Anglican Missal).

The Day's Propers
Catholic Encyclopedia Article

Books Worth Considering
The Apologies of Justin Martyr (Ancient Texts and Translations)
Dialogue With Trypho (Selections from the Fathers of the Church)
The Treasury of Saints and Martyrs
Their Blood Cries Out
Fox's Book of Martyrs

Reason Is Beguiled: On the Mystery of Martyrdom and of Total Self Gift
By Their Blood: Christian Martyrs of the 20th Century

Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church