Index of Saints/Feasts of the Church as noted on the Ordo Kalendar
Hagiographic sketches, et al![]()
14 - Hilary of Poitiers (W)
15 - Paul the First Hermit (W)
17 - Anthony of Egypt (W)
20 - Fabian and Sebastian, Martyrs (R)
21 - Agnes, Virgin and Martyr (R)
22 - Vincent, Deacon and Martyr; Anastasius, Monk and Martyr (R)
24 - Timothy, Bishop and Martyr (R)
25 - Conversion of Paul the Apostle (R)
26 - Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr (R)
27 - John Chrysostom, Bishop (W)
28 - Preservation of the American Episcopate (W)
29 - Francis de Sales
2 - Presentation of Christ in the Temple, or Candlemas
6 - Titus, Bishop and Confessor
9 - Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria
10 - Scholastica, Virgin
14 - Valentine, Martyr
24 - Matthias, Apostle
1 - David of Wales
6 - Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs
7 - Thomas Acquinas
10 - Forty Holy Martyrs
12 - Gregory the Great
17 - Patrick
18 - Cyril of Jerusalem
19 - Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
20 - Cuthbert, Monk and Bishop
21 - Benedict of Nursia
24 - Gabriel, Archangel
25 - The Annunciation
27 - John Damascene
11 - Leo the Great
14 - Justin, Martyr
21 - Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury
23 - George, Martyr
25 - Mark, Evangelist
29 - Catherine of Sienna
1 - Philip and James, Apostles
2 - Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
3 - Invention (Finding) of the Holy Cross
4 - Monica
6 - John before the Latin Gate, Apostle and Evangelist
7 - Stanislas, Bishop and Martyr
9 - Gregory of Nanzianzus, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor
19 - Dunstan, Monk and Archbishop
20 - Bernardin of Siena, Confessor
27 - Bede the Venerable
5 - Boniface, Bishop and Martyr (R)
9 - Columba, Abbot (W)
10 - Margaret of Scotland (W)
11 - Barnabas the Apostle (R)
13 - Anthony of Padua (W)
14 - Basil the Great, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor (W)
18 - Ephraem of Syrus, Deacon, Confessor and Doctor (W)
22 - Alban, Protomartry of England (R)
24 - Nativity of John Baptist (W)
28 - Iraeneus, Bishop and Martyr (R)
29 - Peter and Paul, Apostles (R)
30 - Commemoration of Paul (R)
1 - Precious Blood of our Lord (R)
2 - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (W)
7 - Cyril and Methodius (W)
14 - Bonaventure (W)
19 - Vincent de Paul (W)
20 - Margaret (R)
22 - Mary Magdalene (W)
25 - James, apostle (R)
26 - Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary (W)
29 - Martha (W)
31 - Ignatius of Loyola (W)
1 - Peter's Chains (R)
3 - Invention of Stephen (R)
4 - Dominic (W)
6 - Transfiguration (W)
7 - Holy Name of Jesus (W)
10 - Lawrence, Martyr (R)
12 - Clare, Virgin (W)
15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (W)
16 - Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary (W)
20 - Bernard of Clairvaux (W)
21 - Jane Francis de Chantel (W)
24 - Bartholomew, Apostle (R)
28 - Augustine of Hippo (W)
29 - Beheading of John the Baptist (R)
31 - Aidan (W)
2 - Stephen (W)
8 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (W)
14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross (R)
16 - Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr (R)
19 - Theodore (W)
21 - Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist (R)
27 - Cosmas & Damian (R)
29 - Michael & All Angels (W)
30 - Jerome (W)
1 - Remigius (W)
2 - Guardian Angels (W)
4 - Francis of Assisi (W)
6 - Bruno (W)
9 - Denys, Rusticus & Eleutherius (R)
13 - Edward the Confessor (W)
15 - Teresa of Avila (W)
18 - Luke the Physician (R)
24 - Raphael the archangel (W)
28 - Simon and Jude (R)
1 - All Saints Day (W)
2 - All Souls Day (B)
4 - Charles Borromeo (W)
7 - Willibrord of Frisia (W)
11 - Martin of Tours (W)
17 - Hugh of Lincoln (W)
19 - Elizabeth of Hungary (W)
22 - Cecilia, Virgin (R)
23 - Clement of Rome (R)
24 - John of the Cross (W)
25 - Catherine of Alexandria (R)
30 - Andrew, Apostle (R)
3 - Francis Xavier (W)
5 - Sabas, Abbot (W)
6 - Nicholas of Myra (W)
7 - Ambrose of Milan (W)
8 - Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (W)
13 - Lucy, Virgin and Martyr (R)
21 - Thomas, Apostle (R)
26 - Stephen, Protomartyr (R)
27 - John the Apostle(R)
28 - Holy Innocents (R)
29 - Thomas of Canterbury (R)
31 - Sylvester (W)