Today's Feast (January 28): Preservation of the American Episcopate

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Albert Chambers

Bishop Albert Chambers

Thousands of faithful Episcopalians gathered in St. Louis, Missouri in 1977 and agreed upon the Affirmation of St. Louis, a document which expressed our commitment to the historic and biblical faith of the Church.

Subsequently, on January 28th, 1978, the Rt. Rev. Albert Chambers (retired), along with two other bishops, consecrated four ECUSA priests Bishops - Frs. Waterson, Mote, Doren and Morse.

Bishop Chambers was the Episcopal Bishop of Springfield, Illinois. This consecration made it possible for Episcopalians to continue practicing the Catholic and Apostolic faith of the Church, as it has been handed down through the centuries.

Pray that all Bishops and other ministers diligently preach God's holy Word, and that all people obediently follow the same, that mankind may receive the crown of everlasting glory. (The day's collect, page E79, People's Anglican Missal)

~ Pertinent Documents ~
Affirmation of Saint Louis + A Form of Godliness
Open Letter to Bishops, Clergy & People of the Continuing Church

Many more documents found at Tracts For Our Times