Today's Saint (June 10): Margaret of Scotland

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Saint Margaret (c. 1045-93) was Queen of Scotland for 30 years. Fleeing persecution after the battle of Hastings (1070), due to being one of the last members of the Anglo-Saxon royal family, she was offered refuge by Malcolm III, king of Scotland, whom she later married.

Her devout faith carried over into significant almsgiving, giving her the name of "Mother of the Orphans" by her subjects. Her Christian example led to the conversion of her husband and also influenced her eight children into living godly lives.

May God grant us like-minded charity, both in word and deed, toward our neighbours and family.

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." (The day's epistle, page F44-45, People's Anglican Missal.)

[Margaret has a special meaning for the writer of this post, as it was on her feast that I was confirmed in the Episcopal Church (1973), ordained Priest (1977), and consecrated Bishop (1995). + Rt. Rev. David McMannes]

Margaret's Mass Propers
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