Today's Saint (June 18): Ephraem Syrus - Deacon, Confessor & Doctor

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Saint Ephraem (Also "Ephrem" or "Ephraim") was born around 306 at Nisbis (Mesopotamia) and died around 373. During the Persian takover of Nisbis in 363, he became a hermit in the desert of Edessa.

With a cave as his home, he wrote many poetical works and hymns, earning him the title of "Harp of the Holy Ghost." He was also instrumental in establishing charitable relief for the poor of Edessa.

Writing his voluminous works mostly in verse, they include exegetical, dogmatic and ascetical writings.

"In the midst of the congregation he opened his mouth: and the Lord filled him with the spirit of wisdom and understanding." (The day's Introit, page F 26, The People's Anglican Missal)

The writer of this post is especially connected with today's saint, as it was on Ephraem's feast day that I was ordained Deacon (in 1976). +dgm

Ephraem's Mass Propers
Catholic Encyclopedia Article