Today's Saint (March 17): Patrick

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Born a Britain, Patrick (c. 390 - c. 460) was captured by pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland. During his six years as a slave, he prayed often and came to know our Lord, whom he had previously taken for granted.

God revealed to him in a dream that he would be freed from slavery, and upon his return to Britain, he studied for the priesthood and was ordained.

Patrick then felt called to return to the land of his captors to spread the Gospel, thereby helping in the conversion of Ireland.

May God grant us like patience in our afflictions, so that we might bring forth fruit for the greater glory of Almighty God.

"The Lord sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold to be a bond-servant. Until the time came that his cause was known, the word of the Lord tried him." (The day's gradual, page E 37, The People's Anglican Missal).

The Day's Propers
Catholic Encyclopedia Article
Confession of Saint Patrick

Books Worth Considering
Treasury of Irish Saints (Brogeen books)
"I, Patrick, a Sinner..." A Tale Worth Telling
Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church