Today's Saint (May 9): Gregory of Nanzianzus

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Cappadocian Fathers

Gregory (Bishop, Confessor & Doctor, c.329 - c.389) was the Bishop of Nazianzus and is numbered amongst the Cappadocian Fathers, along with Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa.

The son of a bishop suffragan, Gregory was educated at the highly esteemed University of Athens, which would later aid him in defending the Nicean proclamation of Christ's divinity against Arianism. He subsequently gave up his solitary life as a monk and was ordained priest and later bishop.

Gregory is best known for the role he played in shaping the conclusions of the Nicean Creed during the Council of Constantinople in 381. His deep knowledge and love of scripture allowed him to convey through poetic language the ineffable love that exists between the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Called "the Theologian," Gregory was given to the Church to teach the faith and guide God's people in the way of everlasting salvation. (the day's collect page F 26, People's Anglican Missal).

Pray that God continues to give us learned and holy teachers, that we lose not our way in this generation.

The Day's Propers
Catholic Encyclopedia article

Books Worth Considering
The Cappadocians
St. Gregory of Nazianzus: An Intellectual Biography
The Fathers Speak : St Basil the Great, St Gregory of Nazianzus, St Gregory of Nyssa

Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church