+ Day 1 + Day 2 + Day 3 + Day 4 + Day 5 + Day 6 + Day 7 + Day 8 + Day 9 + Day 10 + Day 11 + Day 12 + Day 13 + Day 14 + Day 15 + Day 16 + Day 17 + Day 18 + Day 19 + Day 20 + Day 21 + Day 22 + Day 23 + Day 24 + Day 25 + Day 26 + Day 27 + Day 28 + Day 29 + Day 30 +

The Psalter or Psalms of David

The Nineteenth Day.

Morning Prayer.

Psalm 95. Venite, exultemus.
O COME, let us sing unto the LORD; * let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation.
2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving; * and show ourselves glad in him with psalms.
3 For the LORD is a great God; * and a great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are all the corners of the earth; * and the strength of the hills is his also.
5 The sea is his, and he made it; * and his hands prepared the dry land.
6 O come, let us worship and fall down, * and kneel before the LORD our Maker.
7 For he is the Lord our God; * and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.
8 To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts * as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness;
9 When your fathers tempted me, * proved me, and saw my works.
10 Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, * It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known my ways:
11 Unto whom I sware in my wrath, * that they should not enter into my rest.

Psalm 96. Cantate Domino.

O SING unto the LORD a new song; * sing unto the LORD, all the whole earth.
2 Sing unto the LORD, and praise his Name; * be telling of his salvation from day to day.
3 Declare his honour unto the heathen, * and his wonders unto all peoples.
4 For the LORD is great, and cannot worthily be praised;* he is more to be feared than all gods.
5 As for all the gods of the heathen, they are but idols; * but it is the LORD that made the heavens.
6 Glory and worship are before him; * power and honour are in his sanctuary.
7 Ascribe unto the LORD, O ye kindreds of the peoples, * ascribe unto the LORD worship and power.
8 Ascribe unto the LORD the honour due unto his Name; * bring presents, and come into his courts.
9 O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness; * let the whole earth stand in awe of him.
10 Tell it out among the heathen, that the LORD is King, and that it is he who hath made the round world so fast that it cannot be moved; * and how that he shall judge the peoples righteously.
11 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; * let the sea make a noise, and all that therein is.
12 Let the field be joyful, and all that is in it; * then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice before the LORD.
13 For he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth; * and with righteousness to judge the world, and the peoples with his truth.

Psalm 97. Dominus regnavit.

THE LORD is King, the earth may be glad thereof; * yea, the multitude of the isles may be glad thereof.
2 Clouds and darkness are round about him: * righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his seat.
3 There shall go a fire before him, * and burn up his enemies on every side.
4 His lightnings gave shine unto the world: * the earth saw it, and was afraid.
5 The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD; * at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.
6 The heavens have declared his righteousness, * and all the peoples have seen his glory.
7 Confounded be all they that worship carved images, and that delight in vain gods: * worship him, all ye gods.
8 Sion heard of it, and rejoiced; and the daughters of Judah were glad, * because of thy judgments, O LORD.
9 For thou, LORD, art higher than all that are in the earth: * thou art exalted far above all gods.
10 O ye that love the LORD, see that ye hate the thing which is evil: * the Lord preserveth the souls of his saints; he shall deliver them from the hand of the ungodly.
11 There is sprung up a light for the righteous, * and joyful gladness for such as are true-hearted.
12 Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; * and give thanks for a remembrance of his holiness.

Evening Prayer.

Psalm 98. Cantate Domino.
O SING unto the LORD a new song; * for he hath done marvellous things.
2 With his own right hand, and with his holy arm, * hath he gotten himself the victory.
3 The LORD declared his salvation; * his righteousness hath he openly showed in the sight of the heathen.
4 He hath remembered his mercy and truth toward the house of Israel; * and all the ends of the world have seen the salvation of our God.
5 Show yourselves joyful unto the LORD, all ye lands; * sing, rejoice, and give thanks.
6 Praise the LORD upon the harp; * sing to the harp with a psalm of thanksgiving.
7 With trumpets also and shawms, * O show yourselves joyful before the LORD, the King.
8 Let the sea make a noise, and all that therein is; * the round world, and they that dwell therein.
9 Let the floods clap their hands, and let the hills be joyful together before the LORD; * for he is come to judge the earth.
10 With righteousness shall he judge the world, * and the peoples with equity.

Psalm 99. Dominus regnavit.

THE LORD is King, be the people never so impatient; * he sitteth between the Cherubim, be the earth never so unquiet.
2 The LORD is great in Sion, * and high above all people.
3 They shall give thanks unto thy Name, * which is great, wonderful, and holy.
4 The King's power loveth judgment; thou hast prepared equity, * thou hast executed judgment and righteousness in Jacob.
5 O magnify the LORD our God, and fall down before his footstool; * for he is holy.
6 Moses and Aaron among his priests, and Samuel among such as call upon his Name: * these called upon the LORD, and he heard them.
7 He spake unto them out of the cloudy pillar; * for they kept his testimonies, and the law that he gave them.
8 Thou heardest them, O LORD our God; * thou forgavest them, O God, though thou didst punish their wicked doings.
9 O magnify the LORD our God, and worship him upon his holy hill; * for the LORD our God is holy.

Psalm 100. Jubilate Deo.

O BE joyful in the LORD, all ye lands: * serve the LORD with gladness, and come before his presence with a song.
2 Be ye sure that the LORD he is God; it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; * we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
3 O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise; * be thankful unto him, and speak good of his Name.
4 For the LORD is gracious, his mercy is everlasting; * and his truth endureth from generation to generation.

Psalm 101. Misericordiam et judicium.

MY song shall be of mercy and judgment; * unto thee, O LORD, will I sing.
2 O let me have understanding * in the way of godliness!
3 When wilt thou come unto me? * I will walk in my house with a perfect heart.
4 I will take no wicked thing in hand; I hate the sins of unfaithfulness; * there shall no such cleave unto me.
5 A froward heart shall depart from me; * I will not know a wicked person.
6 Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, * him will I destroy.
7 Whoso hath also a haughty look and a proud heart, * I will not suffer him.
8 Mine eyes look upon such as are faithful in the land, * that they may dwell with me.
9 Whoso leadeth a godly life, * he shall be my servant.
10 There shall no deceitful person dwell in my house; * he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.
11 I shall soon destroy all the ungodly that are in the land; * that I may root out all wicked doers from the city of the LORD.

Go to 1928 Book of Common Prayer