Becoming a
Patron, Benefactor or Guardian Angel

~ The Sedona Jazz at the Church Bumper Sticker ~


We've been doing Sedona Jazz at the Church (SJATC) since January, 2009, and the series has been well received and attended and seems to grow in popularity with each event that we have.

Innumerable artists/musicians have already performed (Judy Roberts, Jim Martinez, Laura Didier, Steve Sandner, Steve Douglas, Renee Patrick, Billy Mitchell, Zirque Bonner, Adam Clark, Bob Ravenscroft, Rob Moore, Dwight Kilian, Floyd Roberson, Vicki McDermitt, Russell Schmidt, Richard Parrish, George Grant, Lou Turano, Harley Gittleman, Denny Garr, Vismaya, Bruce Kinney, Marion Hermann, Gail Kennedy, Michael Steele, the Gardener, etc.) and more are scheduled for the future.

The concerts and jam sessions not only bring folk together in the beauty of our parish, but are also a fabulous way of celebrating God's gift to man of musical creativity. And because the parish picks up all the costs of the advertizements and the use of the church, we've been able to keep the concerts more than affordable for most jazz fans.

- becoming a Patron or Benefactor -

However, every so often we do need extra financial support for the events. So, if you believe the concerts to be a worthwhile endeavor, how about becoming a Patron or Benefactor of our concerts?

In that way, we can have a few extraordinary concerts every so often - ones that, for a variety of reasons, may cost a lot more to present (musician's travel costs, et al).

Patronage costs, and entitles the Patron to two reserved seats at each concert throughout the season, identification in the playbills throughout the year, and four of the above bumper stickers, which are given to all the musicians who play at our concerts.

Benefaction is another way to support Jazz at the Church. Cost i, and entitles the Benefactor to four reserved seats for each concert, identification in the concert playbills for an entire season, and four Sedona Jazz at the Church bumper stickers.

Guardian Angels support the Concerts, too...

Finally, if you are so moved, but would rather not become a Patron or Benefactor, you can still help support extraordinary Jazz concerts by becoming one of our Guardian Angels. For each contribution of $25, you will receive one bumper sticker. Ergo, if you contribute you will receive 8 stickers.

The stickers are made of polypropylene or polyester (similar to vinyl, but thinner and stronger), and are 3 inches x 10 inches. With one of these cool stickers on your automobile, you will most assuredly stand out as a fan of Jazz as you drive down the highway of life!!

If any of these ways to support the Jazz concerts interests you, email us at or telephone the church at 928-282-7366 for more information.

Or, if you wish, mail your contribution directly to the Church at: Saint Luke's Church, 2895 State Route 179, Sedona, AZ 86336, and upon receipt of your contribution, we'll mail out your bumper sticker(s) as soon as possible.

And, of course, you can become a Patron, Benefactor or Guardian Angel at any of our concerts, by simply telling us that you want to become one, and we'll take your contributiion and hand you your bumper sticker(s) immediately.