Background, History of SJATC | Ways to Support SJATC | SJATC Home Page |Great Jazz Videos | Pictures from Prior Concerts


Background & History
Sedona Jazz at the Church Concerts

Our concerts are part of the music ministry of Saint Luke's Episcopal Church, here in Sedona, AZ.

The concert series began with the concert Jim Martinez & Laura Didier did at Saint Luke's in February of 2009. Through that evening we found that Jazz - "Jazz Praise," as Jim so aptly put it - is an effective vehicle for folk to ponder the gifts God gives us all in life.

Music is a gift, and the improvisational addition can be simply heavenly. Subsequently, Steve Sandner did a concert in March, and we were then "up and running" through the rest of the first year, and have now begun a new year!

All the concerts are affordable, and some have even been offered free of charge.

However, free concerts are just about a thing of the past, as travel costs, etcetera have been systematically going up since we began in 2009.

We have now moved to standardize the ticket prices, with admission costs being $10.00 for concerts of local musicians, and an increased amount for those concerts which bring artists from other areas into our midst.

And since some of our concerts are more expensive to put on than others, how about considering becoming a patron and/or benefactos, so that from time to time we can put on some truly extraordinary events with musicians we could not afford to bring into our midst, were it not for the patronage of those who love jazz and know its musical merits!

If you're interested in becoming a patron or benefactor, click HERE. And incidentally, we have specific concerts which we woud absolutely love to do in the future - bit that will depend solely upon securing patron support for them.



+ Past S.J.A.T.C. Participants +

Judy Roberts , Jim Martinez, Laura Didier, Steve Sandner,
Steve Douglas, Renee Patrick, Billy Mitchell,
Zirque Bonner, Adam Clark, Bob Ravenscroft,
Rob Moore, Dwight Kilian, Floyd Roberson,
Susannah Martin, Vicki McDermitt, Richard Parrish,
George Grant, Russ Schmidt, the Gardener
Lou Turano, Harley Gittleman, Denny Garr
Vismaya, Bruce Kinney, Marion Hermann
Gail Kennedy, Michael Steele, Kevin Mc Quaid
Sherry Roberson, Julian Davis, Armand Boatman, Les Czimber
Tony Vacca, Chris Counelis



Ways to Support SJATC | SJATC Home Page |Great Jazz Videos | Pictures from Prior Concerts

+ Traditional Episcopalianism in the 21st Century +
That God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ