Today's Feast (May 3): Invention (Finding) of the Holy Cross
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According to legend, Constantine's mother, Saint Helena, traveled to Jerusalem to find the true cross.Nails and three crosses were subsequently discovered. Pious tradition has it that one of these was the true cross, being authenticated by the miraculous healing of a woman.
Whatever the case may be, today we do well to remember the gift given through the Holy Cross - "... by the Tree of the Cross thou hast wrought the salvation of the race of man; that whence death arose, thence also Life might rise again; and that he who by a tree was once the vanquisher, might also by a Tree be vanquished; through Jesus Christ our Lord." (The day's proper preface, page B 46, The People's Anglican Missal).
The cross in the picture is the Easter Cross in the courtyard of Saint Luke's Church, Sedona, AZ.
The Day's Propers
Catholic Encyclopedia articleBook Worth Considering
Relics: The Shroud of Turin, the True Cross, the Blood of Januarius...History, Mysticism, and the Catholic Church
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The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church