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Getting Married
Saint Luke's Church, Sedona
The Solemnization of Holy
Marriage is both a Sacrament and a lifelong union, and the marriage liturgy is a public ratification/affirmation of this commitment in the presence of witnesses. This page will hopefully answer many questions you may have regarding getting married at Saint Luke’s Church, Sedona.
The wedding liturgy we use is that which is found in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, beginning on page 300. If you don't possess a copy of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, you may view the liturgy HERE.
Following are a few of the Frequently Asked Questions regarding getting married at Saint Luke's Church, Sedona, and covers a multitude of things, including liturgy, music, live internet streaming of the ceremony, costs involved and the necessary steps to be taken in order to reserve your time and date for your special marriage at Saint Luke's Church...
1. Do you have to be a member of the Church?
It is not required that you be a member of Saint Luke's Church. However, at least one of you should be baptized, and preferably both.
2. How much advance notice is required?
We require at least forty-five days advance notice before the scheduled date of a wedding.
Exceptions are on a case by case basis. However, since bookings may fill up faster than you anticipate, proper prior planning is always suggested.
3. What if there is a prior marriage with one or both the Bride or Groom?
In cases where an applicant is divorced, ninety days advance notice is required, together with a certified copy of the final decree of divorce, so that the Bishop may be able to determine whether a decree of nullity can or cannot be granted.
4. Is counseling mandatory, and if so, who does it?
Yes. Premarital counseling is required, with two sessions being the norm.
In cases where there have been prior marriages, the counseling must be done in Sedona, and by the Bishop.
5. What about the marriage license?
The marriage license must be issued in Arizona. We will not perform a wedding unless the license has been presented to the officiating clergy at the wedding rehearsal, or immediately upon arrival at the church if there is no rehearsal scheduled.
6. Who will do the service?
The officiating clergyman will be the Bishop, the Rt. Rev. David McMannes. If he is not available, another clergyman will be appointed by him to officiate in his stead.
7. Can other clergy take part in the marriage, too?
Yes, they may assist at the service when a written request is included with your application and permission is granted by the Bishop. When visiting clergy are involved in a wedding, we make every effort to enable them to function in the manner desired by the couple and their families.
8. Is just the wedding ceremony done, or can there also be a Nuptial Mass?
If the Bride and/or Groom is a confirmed member of an apostolic church (Anglican, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, et al) every effort ought to be made to include a Nuptial Mass in the day’s liturgy. When the mass does take place, the Bishop is both the celebrant of the mass and the officiant at the marriage.
9. How about photographers, florists and wedding consultants?
Make sure the persons you employ are familiar with weddings at Saint Luke's Church. All communication concerning the wedding itself must be done between the couple and the Rector, but photographers, florists and wedding consultants should contact the Bishop directly before the wedding.
Regarding flowers, only two vases of flowers are allowed on the altar and in the Sanctuary of the Church. Simple flower arrangements may be placed on the organ and votive candle table, however, flowers or other decorations may not be placed on pews, walls or the doors of the church.
10. How many people does Saint Luke's hold?
Very comfortably, fifty. A bit more tightly, sixty, and it's true: the more the merrier - for most people, anyway.
11. When does the rehearsal take place?
A rehearsal, although optional, should only be omitted when no music and/or no more than two attendants are desired. Rehearsals are generally scheduled for the late afteroon the day before the wedding.
12. Can we make up our own service and/or vows?
No. The services that are used are found in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. When a Nuptial Mass occurs along with the marriage service, Saint Luke's will provide a pamphlet for those who attend which will have both the marriage and mass liturgies contained in it, in order to aid in the people's participation and worship experience.
13. What music can be used?
Music is chosen in consultation with the officiating clergy. If you wish the organist to play a special selection or to accompany a singer (Singers are not included in the church fees), you must make your request in writing and be able to provide the sheet music to the organist.
14. When can marriages take place?
The best times of the day seem to be either at eleven o'clock in the morning, two o'clock or five o'clock in the afternoon on Saturdays. Marriages take place throughout the year, except on Sundays and during the season of Lent. However, remember that Sedona's tourist season seems to be lengthening every year, so don't put off your decisions until it's too late.
15. Can we have a unity candle?
It is best to not include the lighting of a unity candle in the wedding service, per se. For those desiring to light a unity candle, we suggest it be done at the wedding reception, or perhaps at the rehearsal dinner as a symbol of intention.
16. How about rice, birdseed, butterflies, and flower/rose petals?
Throwing of flower/rose petals are limited to outside the church, only. No rice, birdseed or butterflies can be used anywhere.
17. What are the costs associated with getting married at Saint Luke's?
- The suggested donation for a wedding at Saint Luke's, which includes costs for the organist, the honorarium for the Rector, use of the church is $3,000.00.
- Small "family" weddings ( without music and with only Bride, Groom and 4 witnesses in attendance) cost considerably less, with a suggested donation of $2,000.00.
- If you wish the organist to be present for the rehearsal (not normally needed) an additional fee of $200.00 will be added to the cost.
18. When do we pay?
Payment is made when submitting the wedding application, by check or money order. When the check has cleared, the date you requested will be reserved, and you will be notified that the wedding is “on the calendar.”
19. What happens if the wedding is cancelled by the Bride and/or Groom?
If the wedding is canceled by the couple more than eight weeks from the scheduled date, we will remit a refund less a $100.00 service charge. If the wedding is canceled within eight weeks of the scheduled date, there will be a $300.00 service charge. If the wedding is canceled within four weeks of the scheduled date, there will be a $500.00 service charge.
No refunds are applicable for "family" weddings.
20. How do we go about scheduling our wedding at Saint Luke's?
Complete and return the Wedding Application (Click HERE for a PDF of the application) with full payment on the costs involved. If having been divorced, be sure to inclose a certified copy(s) of the final divorce decree(s).
The date and time for your wedding will be reserved, as long as it is open on our calendar and your application is approved. We will attempt to "approve" within 20 days of receipt of your material (The time involved is for both examination of documents and to allow the "clearing" of check deposits).
More Questions?
Telephone the church, and talk directly with Bishop McMannes. He can be reached at the Church at: 1.928.282.7366, or via E-mail.
[Last Updated: October 2018]