
its free

A love offering will be accepted,
with all the proceeds being given to the musicians!

The concert brings Phoenix singer Vicki McDermitt to the church for a jazz event called Soulscapes, which includes the trio Inner Journeys. Musicians performing with Vicki are Bob Ravenscroft & Russell Schmidt on keyboards, Dwight Kilian on Bass and Rob Moore on Drums.

Through musical meditations, Scripture, and visual arts, Soulscapes immerses participants in a deeply moving, artistic experience. The musicians break the traditional labels of “jazz” and “classical” music, creating an improvisational, contemplative soundscape for inspiring Scripture and the spoken word.

Visual arts created and portrayed in real time will complement the musical score and bring focus to Scripture, Christian spirituality, and thought-provoking commentary by videographer Mario Barnabe and wordsmith Richard Parrish.


NOTE: WE streamed this concert live, and here's the concert via USTREAM. If you have added speakers on your computer, use them... we're working on securing some powerful microphones, but we didn't have them for this concert. (They'll be "in place" soon!!!)




Background & History of Sedona Jazz at the Church
Pictures from prior concerts
| Ways to Support Jazz at the Church
Great Jazz Videos | Saint Luke's Church Home Page | Jazz @ the Church Home Page



Concert Sponsor

Blue Moon Cafe


Jazz at the Church Bumpersticker

~ The Sedona Jazz at the Church Bumper Sticker ~
+ Traditional Episcopalianism in the 21st Century +
That God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ